Saturday, September 27, 2008

Paul Newman Has Passed

What was supposed to be a happy day, ended up being a sad day as well. September 26, 2008 - the day my daughter was born (one year ago), Paul Newman passed away at his home in Westport from cancer.

Paul Newman was definitely an icon, although he wouldn't be happy about being called that. He was handsome, courageous, and always stuck up for the underdog.

There really are no words to describe how the loss of Paul Newman will affect the world. He has donated all his profits from his Newman's Own empire to charities. This has totaled more than $175 million.

Godspeed Paul!


Surfer Jerry said...

Paul was a great actor he will be dearly missed by all his fans.

Jason said...

The world of film and television lost a real legend this weekend. Paul was not only involved in Hollywood but was an avid political and social activist as well. He was passionate about his business venture with Paul Newman natural foods and always put his money where his mouth was. His powerful voice rang loud during the Vietnam war as he joined millions of Americans who were standing up to fight the injustices of that time. A leader, a patriot, a stellar performer, few people in this world have the opportunity to touch as many lives as Paul did. He will be missed.

James Broadfoot said...

Nice post. Paul Newman will not be forgotten, as a humanitarian and actor. There are only so many legends left from old Hollywood in the acting world and his talent will be sorely missed.